Vitamin B12 Capsule, Powder, Tablet

Vitamin B12 is a water soluble vitamin which helps to keep body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and makes the “DNA” genetic material in all cells.

It helps to prevent a type of anaemia called megaloblastic anaemia that makes people tired and weak.

It helps in releasing energy into the cells and provides appropriate balance needed for thinking and moving throughout the day.

Helps to prevent memory loss and osteoporosis in body.

Protects heart by removing dangerous protein called homocysteine from blood which keeps the arteries of heart free from inflammation.

Lowers risk of neurodegenerative diseases, boosts mood

Vitamin B12 supports the way the body replenishes the protective covering of nerves to keep them safe from toxins and free radicals in blood..

it aids in digestion and keeps the skin and hair healthy.