Vitamin A Capsule, Powder, Tablet

Vitamin-A contributes to eye health and provides a fantastic source of eye vitamins to eradicate macular degeneration, cataracts and helps heal dry eye and fights eye diseases.

It helps decrease signs of aging by increasing collagen production and reducing acne.

It is a fat soluble vitamin important for normal vision, immune system and reproduction.

It helps in restoring eye vision by slowing the declination of retinal functions.

It is a critical part of rhodopsin molecule which is activated when light shines on retina and it sends a signal to brain resulting in vision, normal differentiation and functioning of conjunctival membranes and cornea.

Lack of Vitamin-A causes visual impairment and blindness, causing thickening of cornea, cloudiness and softening of corneas leading to rupture and degenerative tissue change.