Organic Special Products

Organic Tulsi Extract

Tulsi is also known as Holy Basil, Its scientific name is Ocimum Sanctum. It is considered holy by many religions, the Tulsi plant is known for its divine properties. Tulsi is undoubtedly one of the best medicinal herb that has been discovered. It in…  

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Organic Black Pepper Extract

Black pepper is made from the Piper nigrum plant. Black pepper, rightly nicknamed the King of Spices, is the most important and the most extensively consumed spice worldwide. It is native to Kerala, the southern state of India. Piperine is the major…  

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Organic Fenugreek Extract

Fenugreek is a herb similar to clover and is also used as a spice especially in India. The fenugreek seeds are used in cooking, to make medicine and also to hide the taste of other medicines. Fenugreek seeds smell and taste like maple syrup. Fenugree…  

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Organic Trikatu Extract

Trikatu means “three pungents”. Trikatu is a traditional ayurvedic herbal blend of black pepper, Indian long pepper(pippali) and ginger. These herbs work in synergy to stimulate detoxification and fat metabolism to promote effective digestion. Tr…  

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Organic Pippali Extract

Pippali is a long pepper fruitwhich tastes pungent and sweet both. It is useful in indigestion, asthma, cough and is also a very good aphrodisiac and anti aging spice. Pippali consumed with honey helps to treat obesity and Kapha disorders like cold,…  

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Organic Triphala Extract

Triphala is an ayurvedic herbal formulation; It is a blend of dried fruits of Amalaki, Bibhitaki and Haritaki. All of these fruits have amazing healing properties. Organic Triphala assists natural internal cleansing and improves bowel movement and he…  

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Organic Boswellia Serrata Extract

Boswellia, also known as Indian Frankincense, It is an herbal extract taken from the Boswelliaserrata tree. Resin made from boswellia extract has been used for making medicine to treat chronic inflammatory illnesses and other health conditions. Organ…  

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Organic Guduchi Extract

Guduchi or Giloy is a famous Ayurvedic herb, used extensively in treatment for fever, diabetes, urinary tract disorders, anemia, jaundice, asthma and cardiac disorders. All parts of guduchi plant are used for various medicinal purposes. The plant oil…  

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Organic Neem Extract

The neem tree (Azadirachtaindica), grows in India and in surrounding areas, It has been called "Arishtha" in Sanskrit as "reliever of sickness." Some of the uses of neem extract: 1) Neem leaf is used for intestinal worm stomache upset, loss of appe…  

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Organic Curcumin Extract

The turmeric (Curcuma longa) plant, a perennial herb belonging to the ginger family, is cultivated extensively in south and southeast tropical Asia. The rhizome of this plant is also referred to as the root and is the most useful part of the plant fo…  

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