Organic Special Products

Organic Ashok Herb (Saraca Indica)

Saraca asoca is a plant belonging to the Caesalpinioideae subfamily of the legume family. It is an important tree in the cultural traditions of the Indian subcontinent and adjacent areas. It is sometimes incorrectly known as Saraca indica. …  

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Organic Garcinia Cambogia Extract

Garcinia cambogia, a tropical fruit, is a popular weight-loss supplement, especially with people who have diabetes.a tropical fruit also known as the Malabar tamarind, is a popular weight-loss supplement. Organic GC itself is not a new product; in fa…  

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Organic Noni Extract

The noni plant, native to Asia, Australia, and the islands of Polynesia, is a small, shrubby tree. It is used to treat variety of health problems such as Diabetes, Blood pressure, pains etc. People usually take noni by mouth for colic, convulsions, c…  

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Organic Safedmusli Extract

Safed Musli or Chlorophytum Borivilianum root powder is used in ayurvedic practice. It is also used in form of various ayurvedic formulations from which Musli Pak is the commonest. There are various health benefits of Safed Musli which is that it hel…  

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Organic Shilajit Extract

Shilajit is a thick, sticky tar-like substance with a colour ranging from white to dark brown found predominately in Himalaya and Tibet mountains. Aryan food ingredients limited is one of the largest supplier of Shilajit extract in India. There are l…  

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Organic Bacopa Extract

Brahmi or BacopaMonnieri is a plant that has been used in traditional Indian medicine (Ayurveda). In ayurvedic treatments Bacopa has been the go-to treatment for epilepsy, asthma, ulcers, tumors, inflammation, and even leprosy. The reason you see it …  

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Organic Licorice Extract‎

Licorice is an extract from the root of the plant called GlycyrrhizaGlabra. This extract has been consumed from ancient times and is still quite popular with a strong candy flavor but the herb has different strength. Some people take licorice by mout…  

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Organic Guggul Extract

Guggul is known by the Sanskrit name "Guggulu," which means, "protection from disease.” Similar to another important Ayurvedic preparation called triphala, Guggul is considered tridoshic which means balancing all three doshas in the body The three …  

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Green Coffeebean Extract

Green coffee beans are unroasted coffee beans. Green coffee does not undergo the roasting process, the chlorogenic acid in the green coffee bean is untouched, and that’s the ingredient that offers the weight loss benefit. Green coffee also contains…  

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Senna Leaf Extract

Senna is an herb. The leaves and the fruit of the plant are used to make medicine. Senna leaf extract has been identified as a traditional remedy for stomach upset, its popularity has been on the rise as a dietary supplement for weight loss. Senna is…  

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