Organic Star Anise

Star anise is one of the signature flavours of Chinese savory cooking. It is used to flavour vegetables, meat, and to marinate meat. It is used as a condiment for flavouring curries, confectionaries, spirits, and for pickling. It is also used in perfumery. The essential oil of star anise is used to flavour soft drinks, bakery products and liquors. The fruit is anti-bacterial, carminative, diuretic and stomachic. It is considered useful in flatulence and spasmodic. Star anise is the dried, star shaped fruit of Illicium verum. It is an evergreen tree attaining a height of 8-15 meters and a diameter of 25 cm. The leaves are entire, 10-15 cm long, 2.5 – 5 cm broad, elliptic, flowers are solitary, white to red in colour. Star anise can be used whole or ground, and in both sweet and savory dishes. Use this fragrant spice whole to infuse flavor into tea, cocktails, soup broth, and even pasta sauce. The ground version can be used in baked good and is an ingredient in five spice powder.